How to Create a Relaxing Evening Routine for Better Sleep

How to Create a Relaxing Evening Routine for Better Sleep

Quality sleep is intrinsically linked to your health and overall wellbeing. One way to ensure quality and restorative sleep is by creating and maintaining a relaxing evening routine. A relaxing night-time routine helps your body recognize it's time for sleep, calms your mind, and creates better sleeping habits.

Step 1: Prioritize Your Sleep Schedule

First and foremost, you need to set a consistent sleep schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a schedule helps regulate your body's clock and can significantly improve your sleep quality.

Step 2: Develop a Night-Time Routine

Create a sequence of relaxing activities to signal your body that it's time for sleep. This could entail reading a book, listening to calm music, meditating, or taking a warm bath. Make these activities part of your nightly routine and they can contribute significantly towards improved sleep.

Reading a Book

Reading a book in a dimly lit room can help your eyes get tired and speed up the process of falling asleep. However, make sure to choose a book that is not too absorbing, which may have the opposite effect, and you may end up reading late into the night.


Meditation can help to relax your mind and body. Simple breathing exercises can slow down your heart rate and prepare your body for sleep.

Step 3: Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Ensure your environment is conducive to quality sleep. Your bedroom should be dark, quiet, and cool. Invest in high-quality bedding for comfort and consider using white noise machines or earplugs to block out any potential noise pollution.

Step 4: Try Sleep-Inducing Foods and Drinks

Consuming certain food and drink can aid sleep. Consider incorporating chamomile tea or warm milk into your evening routine. These are known for their sleep-inducing properties. However, avoid heavy meals, caffeine, alcohol, and smoking close to your bedtime.

Step 5: Limit Technology Before Bed

Electronic devices emit blue light, which can interrupt your body's production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Therefore, it's recommended to switch off these devices at least an hour before going to bed.

Step 6: Make a To-Do List for Tomorrow

If you're prone to lying in bed worrying about all the tasks for the next day, consider making a to-do list as part of your routine. It can clear the mind and reduce stress, thus making it easier to fall asleep.


Creating and sticking to a relaxing evening routine is one of the best steps you can take towards better sleep. The routine doesn't have to be complex or time-consuming; it just needs to be consistent. By taking control of your evening routine, you can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your sleep.

Remember, quality sleep is not just about quantity but also about how rested you feel the next day. So, experiment with different routines and strategies to find out what works best for you. Sweet dreams!