Is Covid-19 Vaccine Still Important?

In 2019, the world was shocked by the new virus that infects the respiratory system in human who is affected with it. The virus that is believed to come from China, has been spreading all over the world, causing major problems to any aspects of life. Total of over 600 million of people are confirmed infected by the virus which lead to death for almost 7 million of them based on the statistic of World Health Organization (WHO) from the latest update on January 16, 2023. Researchers found vaccines that is believed to improve the immunity system of people from this virus which is likely to drastically reduce the chance of death of the person who is infected. The question, is Covid-19 vaccine still important to people and effective to reduce the mortality percentage after getting infected with the virus? Let’s discuss it here.

How does the vaccine work?

The vaccine is intended to improve the immunity of people by injecting the harmless or dead germ or virus inside of their body, depends on the kind of vaccines. After being injected with the vaccine, the immune system in the body reacts to the strange object coming inside the body and works to fight with it in order to keep the body protected. Due to the harmless part the germ or virus, it is not dangerous to the body but the antibody will react the same way the way by fighting to protect the body. After the virus or germ is defeated, the body will recognize how to fight with the same object if it enters the body again, which makes the body adjusted to this situation and maintain the health of the person.

Covid-19 vaccine

Similar to the other vaccines, Covid-19 vaccine uses the protein from the virus itself that causes them to attach to the cells in the body and make the person gets sick. This is why Covid-19 vaccine is needed as it will create a replica of the virus that behaves similarly as the real virus, but it is much harmless to the one that is still alive and active. Once the body is injected with the vaccine, it will help the body to fight the virus when you are exposed with it. However, Covid-19 vaccine has some dosage (3 for adults, 4 for elderly people) to keep the body maintain the antibody for this virus at the peak level as this virus considered deadly. 

So, the question of Covid-19 vaccine whether it is still important or not, it is still important and highly recommended to keep you stay healthy and away from this disease. Researchers believe that people who were infected and still not getting vaccine have two times higher chance to be reinfected than those who were infected and get the vaccine after. This is because the vaccine provides better level of immunity than the real virus itself for some occasions. So, if you want to give yourself and your family a better protection from Covid-19, vaccination is a recommendation for you and it will give you better feeling of you and your family’s safety.

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