DIY UFO and Paranormal Investigation Techniques

DIY UFO and Paranormal Investigation Techniques

With the rise of recent UFO and paranormal sightings around the world, more and more people are becoming enthralled by these intriguing phenomena. What was once only the domain of specialized experts is now something that anyone with a keen interest can explore. With a few simple tools and techniques, you can embark on your own DIY paranormal investigation. This article will guide you through an overview of basic Do-It-Yourself (DIY) UFO and paranormal investigation techniques.

Digital recorder

One common item necessary for any UFO and paranormal investigator is a digital voice recorder. This device can help pick up spectral sounds or voices that may not be discernible to the human ear. Also known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), these recordings can provide compelling evidences of paranormal activities.

Camera and Video Recorders

A good quality camera or video recorder is also crucial when planning your paranormal investigations. If you're investigating UFO sightings, having a camera with a high resolution and a telescopic lens can help you capture clear and up-close images of phenomenalavi objects in the sky. For indoor paranormal investigations, using a camera or video equipment with night vision can greatly help record any unexplained manifestations or movements.

EMF Meter

An ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) meter is another important tool in a paranormal investigator's arsenal. Paranormal entities are believed to manipulate or create energy fields. By using an EMF meter, you can detect unexplained energy fluctuations that may indicate the presence of an entity.


Temperature changes are another common occurrence during paranormal activities. Having a thermometer or a thermal imaging camera can help you detect sudden temperature changes, these changes may be associated with a paranormal presence.

Patience and Observation

Beyond the gadgets and tools, patience and keen observation skills are crucial when engaging in paranormal investigations. Paranormal activities do not typically happen when you want them to; hence, patience is necessary. Developing a keen eye for small changes and odd occurrences is essential for accurately interpreting your surroundings.


While paranormal investigation can be exciting, it's also important to approach it with respect and openness. Always consider the potential explanations for any strange occurrences you observe and don’t jump to conclusions. With the right tools and approach, you can embark on this intriguing journey of exploring the unknown.

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