How to Explore Abandoned Places Safely and Legally

How to Explore Abandoned Places Safely and Legally

Abandoned places, or 'urban ruins', hold an undeniably magnetic allure, where the curious explorers go to witness the vestiges of the past enveloped in silence and mystery. Nevertheless, urban exploration, often referred to as 'urbex', should always incorporate safety measures and considerations for the law. This guide will help you explore abandoned places safely and legally.

1. Do your Research

Like any expedition, exploring abandoned places begins with thorough research. Get to know the place you are planning to visit. Learn about its history, the reason it was abandoned, and any potential hazards that it might pose. It's also wise to check out urbex forums and blogs where veteran explorers may share tips and experiences about the location.

2. Understand and Respect the Law

Remember that trespassing is illegal. Always find out who owns the property and seek permission before exploring. Do not break locks or force your way into a building. If access seems impossible, it's best to stick with viewing the building from the outside. It is far better to maintain legality and respect for private property over risking fines or worst-case scenarios, getting arrested.

3. Prepare and Equip Yourself

Wear sturdy footwear and clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. Wear gloves to protect your hands and a hard hat to shield your head from any falling debris. Bring a flashlight, even if you plan to explore during the day—some buildings may not have enough natural light inside, and basements or tunnels can be pitch black. Also carry a basic first aid kit. Be prepared for unexpected situations and ensure your safety first and foremost.

4. Never Go Alone

Exploring abandoned places can be risky, so never go alone. Have at least one buddy with you. The easily overlooked truth is these damaged structures can pose dangers such as weak floors, falling debris, and even reside to homeless people or wild animals. Going with a friend not only reduces risk but also ensures there's someone who can call for help in case something goes wrong.

5. Document Your Explorations

Of course, many urban explorers love to document their journeys. A camera is a must-have for capturing the eerie beauty of these run-down places. Remember the rule of urbex - "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints." In essence, this rule means you should disturb nothing, causing no more damage to the location while taking your memories and experiences captured in photographs.

6. Be A Good 'Urbexer'

Lastly, respect the abandoned places you visit. Never vandalize, damage, or steal from them. Many of these places hold historical significance, and damaging them is like destroying a piece of history. Every urban explorer should uphold the principles of respect and humility in their explorations.

In conclusion, urban exploration is a unique adventure, filled with haunting beauty and echoes of the past. It is a journey that requires preparation, respect, and above all, safety and legality. Happy exploring!

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