Strange and Surprising Facts About the World of Cryonics

Strange and Surprising Facts About The World Of Cryonics

Cryonics, a concept and reality that has fascinated, puzzled and ultimately divided us, offers a unique, science-fiction like perspective on the future of human death and life preservation. It is a world that offers more than the preservation of human tissue; it also reframes our understanding and relationship with life and death. However, there are numerous strange and surprising facts surrounding the world of cryonics that many people are unaware of.

The Birth of Cryonics

The concept of cryonics can be traced back to 1962 when Robert Ettinger, a middle school teacher turned physicist authored "The Prospect of Immortality", providing a detailed rationale for the process.

Cryonics Science is More Complex Than We Think

Contrary to common belief, cryonics is not synonymous with freezing. The process involves vitrification, where the body is cooled with minimal ice formation. The ‘freezing’ process is actually a careful procedure that begins immediately upon official determination of death. Right after death, initiations for cooling and preservation of the body begin, with an ultimate aim to minimize or impede decomposition.

Preservation Goes Beyond Just The Body

A widely held misconception is that cryonics companies only preserve the entire body of an individual. The truth is, many who opt for cryopreservation choose to only have their brains preserved, a process known as neuropreservation. This stems from a belief that contents of the human mind (memory, personality) could be retained and eventually transferred to another vessel in the future.

Not Exclusively For Humans

Interestingly, cryonics does not just apply to humans; pets too can be cryogenically preserved. Some companies provide this service, offering pet owners the chance to sustain their beloved pets after death.

Only Legal After Death

The current law rules that cryopreservation can only be legally performed after death has been officially declared. Performing the procedure on individuals who are still alive, albeit close to death, could be considered illegal and would likely qualify as assisted suicide.

Can't Afford It? There’s Insurance For That!

People often think cryonics is prohibitively expensive. While the full price can range from $28,000 to over $200,000, life insurance policies can cover the cost. In fact, many who opt for cryonics cover the cost with affordable premiums on life insurance specifically designated for the procedure.

No Successful Revivals... Yet

Although cryonics has existed for many years, the science has not progressed enough for any successful human resuscitation. So far, the procedure remains one-sided; we can preserve the bodies, but we cannot bring them back to life or consciousness.

Despite the aura of controversy and uncertainty shrouding cryonics, it has piqued the interest of many. The unknown prospects, intertwined with advanced science, make the world of cryonics an unprecedentedly strange and surprising field of interest.

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