Easy Ways to Cut Down on Screen Time

Easy Ways to Cut Down on Screen Time

Screen time, despite its many benefits, can have various negative impacts if overdone. Spending too much time in front of screens can lead to problems like eye strain, insomnia, and lack of physical activity. Here are easy ways to cut down on screen time.

Set Clear Boundaries and Stick to Them

Screen-free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home as screen-free zones. These could be the dining room, the bedroom, or any other place where you'd like to encourage more interpersonal interaction or focus on other tasks.

Screen-free Times: Set specific periods during the day when screens are off-limits. This could be during meals, an hour before bedtime, or specific 'disconnect' hours during the day.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Many devices come with settings or applications that allow you to track your screen time, and set limits for specific apps. For instance, the iPhone has a 'Screen Time' feature built into its settings, and there are many similar applications for android devices. Use these features to keep a check on your screen usage and curb excess use.

Opt for Physical Books

Instead of reading eBooks or online news, buy physical books and subscribe to newspapers or magazines. It helps to give your eyes a break and can also have benefits, like better retention when reading physical books.

Engage in Offline Activities

Engage yourself in offline hobbies, such as painting, reading, gardening, knitting, or playing a musical instrument. These activities won't just help to reduce your screen time but will also keep you psychologically and physically healthy.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is essential in maintaining health, and regular exercise can be a great reason to step away from your screen. You can also take up sports or outdoor activities that you enjoy, to make exercise more fun and compelling.


Reducing screen time can seem challenging at first, especially if you're used to filling your free time with screen-based activities. But once you start to explore the many engaging activities beyond the screen and see the benefits, it'll become easier. Keep at it, and develop a routine that includes less screen time for a better lifestyle.

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